
Video Production

As mentioned we are a freelance group of professional producers, cameramen and editors. Our aim is to produce high quality video content at an affordable price.

We can do this by sticking to a few basic rules so don’t over shoot and create any unnecessary extra editing time. Make a plan and stick to it

We can happily produce full feature films, documentaries, tv ads. Our crew have worked on numerous broadcast programmes  and feature films. We realise that there is a new demand for informative quality video content for web based projects at a realistic price.

1 Identify the precise objectives of your production.

2 Storyboard your production. Have two columns one containing the script and the other a drawing of the shots required and remember you may want to create a sequence.

3 Do you have a location for filming. Do you need release forms for contributors?

4 Do you have graphics that will incorporated in the edit.

5 Will any props/products be needed?

6 Editing, this should be fairly straight forwards if you have stuck to your storyboard. Much better for the editor to have too much than two little. Also consider some background music that is sympathetic to your production.